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A Matter of Semantics - A Young Officer's Decision: Duty or Loyalty in the Vietnam War
Frank Linik
Verlag BookBaby, 2018
ISBN 9781543933543 , 292 Seiten
Format ePUB
Kopierschutz frei
No one ever died under Lieutenant Bill Brandt's command, however he found himself fighting more than just the enemy. Orders from an ambitious battalion commander and company commander place his men in jeopardy. Each tactical situation grows increasingly grave. When duty and loyalty clash, Brandt creates his own Rules of Engagement, forcing him to make moral and ethical choices. His decisions take him down a path that leads to conflict with the very reasons he volunteered to go to Vietnam. Brandt must choose between career or integrity, allegiance or defiance, and ultimately life or death. Will he disobey a direct order in combat? Read on to learn how this soldier resolves his dilemma.