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Ancient Lagash: Current Research and Future Trajectories - Proceedings of the Workshop held at the 10th ICAANE in Vienna, April 2016
Davide Nadali, Holly Pittman, Andrea Polcaro
Verlag Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Verlag, 2023
ISBN 9783700189633 , 199 Seiten
Format PDF
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The State of Lagash was one of the major political powers in the Sumerian world of the 3rd millennium BC, with archaeological attestations at least since the 5th millennium BC. Located in present-day southern Iraq, this State incorporated three main cities: Girsu (Tello), Lagash (Tell al-Hiba), and Nigin (Tell Zurghul). The volume presents the results of studies and excavations carried on in these sites until 2015, providing new data for their historical interpretation. The volume collects contributions to the research at al-Hiba, under the supervision of H. Pittman, a section dedicated to the first archaeological campaign undertaken at the site of Nigin under the direction of D. Nadali and A. Polcaro, and the research on the site of Girsu under the joint direction of S. Rey and F. Husain.